Thursday, March 23, 2023

What is gematria?

gematria is an ancient Hebrew numbering system which assigns numerical values to words, phrases and even letters to calculate their various meanings. Gematria is based on the numerical value of each letter of the Hebrew alphabet and assigns numeric values from 1-400 to different letters, words and names. Additionally, some words have a special significance, such as "Amen" or "Shalom," and these will have a separate numerical value than two or three-letter words.

The usage of Gematria has long been part of Jewish religious practice, originally used to calculate and interpret the meaning of holy texts like the Torah, Talmud and Zohar. Over time, practitioners discovered that many words could also be related by their numerological values in addition to their literal meanings. This ancient practice has become much more widespread in recent years, with many people believing that gematria can lead them towards deeper spiritual understanding.

Furthermore, gematria has been used within other esoteric practices such as astrology and numerology due to its method of interpreting numerical symbols within Jewish texts. By interpreting the symbolic connection between numbers involved in a particular event or phrase, one can acquire deeper insight regarding its possible effects or outcomes. For example, within astrology some believe that using gematria allows one to better study the influences of sign's placement in relation to other planets in an individual's chart.

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